Our Board
WVPMA's Board Treasurer position defined
WVPMA Board Positions

WVPMA Treasurer

The Treasurer of the Executive Board is a two (2) year term.


  • Collect, manage, and record funds in QuickBooks for deposited membership dues, educational seminars, contributions, and miscellaneous receipts.
  • Control, monitor, and transfer funds from PayPal account and record in QuickBooks.
  • Create and manage master list of payments for membership dues, and educational seminars to forward to other board members for meeting attendance, meeting count, sign in sheets, etc.
  • Notify Membership Chair, and e-group manager of any new members.
  • Make all payments from WVPMA checking account for items and services needed for WVPMA business approved by Executive Board and record in QuickBooks.
  • Reconcile WVPMA checking account against monthly bank statement and give copy to President.
  • Participate as an active board member at the executive board meetings, membership meetings, and educational seminars.
  • Before board meeting, print out current YTD comparison balance sheet and income statement for all board members.
  • At board meeting, collect reimbursement slips from board members to write checks and do journal entries in QuickBooks.
  • After each membership meeting, pay and or arrange payment for board breakfast, meeting room, speaker fee, etc.
  • If members do not renew membership by April 1st, send list to e-group manager to remove them from the e-groups.
  • After educational seminars, provide a compilation of income and expenses to the board.
  • Responsible for WVPMA debit card and WVPMA checking account.
  • Continuing Education Chairperson may have additional debit card if needed.
  • Responsible for the Josette Svitter Scholarship Funds in the checking account.
  • Responsible for working directly with WVPMA accountant.
    - Have compilation of WVPMA books done annually after December year end.
    - Submit any required annual financial reports, as needed.
  • Present Annual Report created by accountant at the membership meeting following the end of each fiscal year.
  • Responsible for upkeep of treasurer laptop computer, jump drive, and maintaining passwords.

When the new treasurer begins their term on the board, the new treasurer must:

  • Obtain checkbook from current treasurer.
    - Outgoing treasurer must call bank and let them know that there is a new treasurer.
    - New treasurer needs to fill out a signature card and get a debit card.
    - Outgoing treasurer needs to turn in their debit card.
  • Get treasurer laptop.
  • Get passwords for checking account, laptop, PayPal account, wvpmatreasurer@gmail.com Email account and all other accounts.
  • Go over treasurer binder with new treasurer.

Who Manages Your Practice?

As you well know, the rapid pace in which the veterinary profession is changing requires devoted attention to detail in order to succeed. Today's practice owner does not always have the time to maintain, promote and enhance the evolution of the practice. As a result, a practice manager is enlisted to take on the responsibility of managing the practice.

The position of veterinary practice manager is typically filled by promoting from within the practice or by hiring a qualified individual. This person will take on a variety of responsibilities from human resource management and organizational leadership to practice budgeting and financial management.

Veterinary Practice Managers