The Wisconsin Veterinary Practice Managers Association announced the creation of a continuing education fund in honor of founding member and long-time convention chairperson Josette Svitter during their Annual Meeting on Oct. 9, 2010 at the Madison Marriot West in Middleton.
Josette Svitter has been employed by the Kettle Morraine Veterinary Clinic since the late 80s. After attending medical only continuing education events with the clinic team, she recognized a need for a practice managers group. That was over 15 years ago and after sharing her vision and tireless recruiting the Wisconsin Veterinary Practice Managers Association was formed. Svitter is considered an educator, caretaker and groundbreaker by her peers. The fund will encourage WVPMA member to engage in growth, both personally and professionally.
If you would like to donate to the Josette Svitter continuing education fund, please choose a donation method below.
Individuals intending on becoming new members must download, complete and mail or fax the WVPMA Membership Renewal/Application Form even if paying for the fees online. Completed forms can be mailed to Patti McFarland, Treasurer.
If you are a new member, you must fill out a Membership Application. It may take a few weeks to process a new member application.